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Access collections in a easy way

A few weeks ago, while writing about key-paths, subscripts attracted my attention.

So, I continued investigating it, and now that I have seen the advantages it offers, I’ll explain how to take advantage of it to have more customized and readable code.

What are subscripts in Swift #

Subscripts in Swift provide you with a flexible way to access elements found in collections, sequences, or custom types.

These custom types could be classes, structures, or enumerations.

Subscripts offer a simple syntax for setting and retrieving values without the need for separate methods for getters and/or setters.

Subscripts are special methods that allow access to elements in a collection-like type.

And for this, the same notation as arrays is used. That is, using square brackets [].

How to create subscripts #

To create a subscript, you simply need to create a method with the name subscript.

subscript(index: Index) -> OutputType {
    get {
        // Return a value
    set(newValue) {
        // Set a value

It’s not mandatory to use set if you simply want to return the value, so it wouldn’t be necessary to explicitly indicate the get either.

subscript(index: Index) -> OutputType {
    // Return a value

How to access elements using subscripts in Swift #

Following the previous syntax, here you can see how to create a subscript method for a structure that returns the element you ask for from the Fibonacci sequence.

struct Fibonacci {
    subscript(position: Int) -> Int {
        guard n > 1 else { return n }
        var a = 0, b = 1
        for _ in 2...n {
            let temp = a + b
 a = b
 b = temp
        return b

As you can see, you can pass a position parameter to the subscript method to know the position of the element you want to obtain.

As you can also check, you don’t need a setter to set a value.

So if you indicate the position you want, you can have the value of that position.

let fib = Fibonacci()
// Prints "13"

Subscripts with multiple parameters #

Subscripts can take multiple parameters, allowing more complex forms of access.

Here you can see an example of a structure to create a 3D cube.

struct Cube3D {
    private var cells: [[[Int]]]
    let size: Int
    init(size: Int, defaultValue: Int = 0) {
        self.size = size
        self.cells = Array(repeating: Array(repeating: Array(repeating: defaultValue, count: size), count: size), count: size)
    subscript(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) -> Int {
        get {
            guard isValidIndex(x: x, y: y, z: z) else {
                fatalError("Index out of range")
            return cells[x][y][z]
        set {
            guard isValidIndex(x: x, y: y, z: z) else {
                fatalError("Index out of range")
 cells[x][y][z] = newValue
    subscript(xRange: Range<Int>, yRange: Range<Int>, z: Int) -> [[Int]] {
        guard isValidRange(xRange: xRange, yRange: yRange, z: z) else {
            fatalError("Range out of cube bounds")
        return { x in { y in
    private func isValidIndex(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) -> Bool {
        return x >= 0 && x < size && y >= 0 && y < size && z >= 0 && z < size
    private func isValidRange(xRange: Range<Int>, yRange: Range<Int>, z: Int) -> Bool {
        return xRange.lowerBound >= 0 && xRange.upperBound <= size &&
 yRange.lowerBound >= 0 && yRange.upperBound <= size &&
 z >= 0 && z < size

After the parameters and the initializer, it has two subscript methods.

The first takes three position parameters, to determine the place in the 3D cube, and has both a getter and a setter.

The second also takes several parameters, of type Range.

This second subscript would allow obtaining a 2D slice of the cube.

As you are working with collections and sequences, it is very important to check that you never access positions outside the index to avoid crashes. That’s why the isValidIndex and isValidRange methods.

And now, you’ll be able to assign and retrieve the cube values.

var cube = Cube3D(size: 5, defaultValue: 0)

cube[0, 0, 0] = 1
cube[1, 2, 3] = 5
cube[4, 4, 4] = 9

// Prints  "1"
print(cube[0, 0, 0])
// Prints "5"
print(cube[1, 2, 3])
// Prints "9"
print(cube[4, 4, 4])

let slice = cube[0..<2, 0..<3, 0]
// Prints [[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]

Type Subscripts #

You can also define subscripts on the type itself, instead of on instances.

To do this, indicate the static keyword before subscript, just as you would create any static method.

enum DayOfWeek: Int {
    case monday = 1
    case tuesday
    case wednesday
    case thursday
    case friday
    case saturday
    case sunday
    static subscript(index: Int) -> DayOfWeek? {
        return DayOfWeek(rawValue: index)

And now, if you want to access any day of the week from the enumeration, you just need to indicate its index.

// day is equal to .wednesday
let day = DayOfWeek[3]
Note that Monday has been assigned 1 since, at least in Spain, Monday is the first day of the week. And it feels more natural to access it that way. If it hadn’t been indicated, in the previous example, day would be equal to thursday and the monday case would be accessed through index 0.

Conclusions #

Summarizing, about subscripts, the most important points:

  • They provide shorthand access to collection elements.
  • They can be used both to get and set values.
  • Multiple subscripts can be defined for a single type.
  • Subscripts can have multiple input parameters.
  • You can create static subscripts that don’t belong to the instance but to the type.

But, keep the following in mind to make the most of them:

  • Use them when they provide you with a more natural syntax for accessing elements in your custom types.
  • Remember to handle errors and check bounds in subscripts.
  • Make sure when you should use read-only or read/write subscripts.
  • Use type subscripts only when it makes sense to access values directly on the type instead of on instances.

And as usual, here is a playground for you to practice.

Sources #

Subscripts - Official Swift Documentation